Jumat, 07 Juni 2013

Good technique and Effective Teaching

A teacher / instructor / lecturer should have a good ability in delivering content to be studied, if not ... then what happens is the student / students will not understand, do not like the subject or even yourself as your teacher does not like. Value may not be stingy wise thing as a teacher and of course you will be teaching the class favorite, but this is not detrimental to educate and educate your students. Here are some tips that I normally do when presenting the material in class:Before Delivering Content:
1. Study the material to be conveyed back and make a summary or key points on the matter, because it might teach you a lot of other subjects so sometimes it is a bit forgotten with this material that needs to be studied further in order to be better prepared.
2. Make diktat or summaries that can copy or copied by students, so we do not have to refer a lot of books to the students. It is also easier for students so that he does not need much to buy books. If the exact subject area / count, make a summary of the formula to the students.
3. Prepare the exercises as much as possible and divided into categories of mild, moderate, and difficult. Summarize all about it in a book or file and make every memo that question ... This memo is made so that you know when you've given it to students, and on how many classes, so the question that has been given is not submitted again at the next meeting.
4. Have your students absent, and create a table of values ​​and percentage of student progress. This is useful so that you can determine whether you have absorbed the material well by students and which students need to be extra guidance so that the value does not fall.
When in class:
1. Make a charming atmosphere and not boring, for that you need a lot of exercise to how to talk, attitude, and your teaching methods were well received by the students. Being a teacher is too fierce and sometimes discipline students who will form a hard, too, for that make students fearful of respect for you and not be afraid because of your punishment. There was once a very naughty student, but he was just shy and scared with a valued mentor. Give your attention with great affection, not for their mistakes ..
2. Create a quiz at the beginning and end of the presentation, if time does not allow to do only at the end of diawalnya not matter ... it can be an indicator of whether the material that has been submitted has been well received by students. I experienced a lot done just at the beginning of the quiz material, it is a waste of time and is not efficient because the students do not know the logic course material will be presented. I question the day yesterday quiznya material that replicates his name ... so need to distinguish between the replicates yach quiz ...
3. Submit materials to convey the importance of these points alone, not too much rambling or too much to tell that is not within the scope of your material. For exact material, multiply example problems ... to say slowly and make the students also participate sama2 think.
4. Perform a more interactive teaching system in the form of questions and answers, pancinglah students so many questions. There was also need for you frolic on the sidelines of the presentation that are not too tense.
5. Homework (PR) can you provide any late delivery of materials, but if it turns out it is not as effective as many who do not work or was a lot of mutual cheating teman2nya work his PR methods should you change each instance with different about students or other means.
6. You need to evaluate the way you teach, this can be done by giving questionnaires to students on how to teach you.
7. You can also perform an interactive quiz, by reading about one by one, and direct students to answer .. you are given a limited time to answer that question. Eg read about no. 1 then immediately answered by students, after the students read about no.2 then replied, and so on ... This method makes students think fast and not be able to cheat.
Congratulations to serve, educate our children for the nation's progress in the future ... Hopefully Helpful.
source http://www.ti.co.id/?mitra=rachmadi49http://www.ayonikah.com/?mitra=rachmadi49http://www.mobilraya.com/?mitra=rachmadi49http://www.rumahraya.com/?mitra=rachmadi49
 12 Ways to Become a Good Teacher

Being a good teacher when teaching is not about the nature of the teacher but about the ability to regulate the rhythm of learning. Teachers that are good would be quick to anger if his force is often not orderly. One of the things that makes students rush order is significant. Making students can be busy but still meaningful is a challenge all teachers. There are teachers who love to give their students a hard deal in the hope of teaching students busy and the time he was not troubled by the problem behavior.
In fact the opposite of these things just happen to students whose behavior had been good, while the other kids would get bored and just throwing a tantrum because he felt his teacher gave tough job with no way out. Because work hard to make the kids who had problems in behavior will occur again his desire to make a fuss and the edges of teachers will feel like a failure in teaching students in the day.
There are several ways to make your school hours pass unnoticed either we as teachers and students as a way of teaching and planning connoisseurs teach us.

1.  plan within a week planning your teaching
2. always update your lesson plans before and after teaching
3. enough sleep every day. It is important that awake our moods and emotions is not easy
4. plan your teaching in the team, if not likely consult your formal and informal lesson on fellow teachers.
5. go to class early to 3 minutes or 5 minutes early.
6. 3 thinking strategies or plans in teaching, thus a fast finish kids still had activity
7. a time to motivate students while teaching. motivating it is not praised because motivates you need to      explore the character you want to motivate children
8. scatter smile to the class
9. Talk of regards to the spirit of the time shall teach
10. Give challenging questions and not just hard
11. ask students to teach other students when he was finished
12. subtract style 'one man show' when teaching, reduce spirit to lecture students. Let the students also spoke in class, sharing about his strategy work on the problems that you provide.
Teaching and Effective Ways For Newbies 

When teaching is complex and because the disciples were varied, there is no single way to teach effective for all things. Teachers must master a variety of perspectives and strategies, and should be able to apply it flexibly. It required two main things: (1) knowledge and professional skills, (2) commitment and motivation.

1. Mastery of subject matterEffective teachers must be knowledgeable, flexible, and understand the material. Of course, knowledge of subject matter includes not only the facts, terms, and general concepts. It also requires a basic knowledge of the organization of the material, linking ideas, ways of thinking and arguing.2. Teaching StrategiesIn this case how teachers can create teaching materials can be mastered by students. In the old model of education (traditional) too emphasizes student must sit still, being passive listeners and asked students to memorize information that is relevant and irrelevant. Then switch on the principles of constructivism, which emphasizes that students actively construct and build knowledge and understanding. But not all experts agree with the above, but the important thing is even if you are using one of the above strategies, there are still many things to be known, the things that influence the effective teaching.3. Goal setting and instructional planning skillsEffective teachers are not just teaching in the classroom, whether she uses traditional or constructivism perspective above. They also had to determine the learning goals and develop a plan to achieve that goal.4. Classroom management skillsAnother important aspect to be an effective teacher is able to keep the class together and stay active class to orient tasks. Effective teachers can maintain a conducive learning environment.5. Motivational skillsEffective teachers have good strategies to motivate students to want to learn. Effective teachers know that students will be motivated when they can choose something that suits their interests. Good teachers will give students the opportunity to think creatively and deeply for their own projects.6. Communication skillsIt needs to be required to teach are skills in speaking, listening, verbal communication to overcome barriers, understanding non-verbal communication of students, and memapu resolve conflict constructively.7. Work effectively with students from many different culturesEffective teachers should know and understand the cultural background of children with different, and sensitive to their needs. Encourage students to each other disciples to relate positively.
8. Technology expertiseEffective teachers know how to use a computer and how to teach students to use computers to write and be creative. The technology itself is not necessarily improve student learning needs to fit between the curriculum with appropriate technology in teaching.
Commitment and MotivationBeing an effective teacher also requires commitment and motivation. These aspects include good attitude and attention to students. Commitment is needed in teaching, how teachers provide energy and thought to give instruction that can be accepted by pupils well. Effective teachers also have confidence in their ability and will not let the negative emotions fade their motivation.

Sources: http://black-choise.blogspot.com
Methods of Teaching
Activity Verses

Little children enjoy poems and songs with simple actions. These poems and songs are often referred to as activity verses. You can use activity verses to help children learn gospel principles. You can also use them to help children feel welcome at the beginning of class, get ready to pray, or prepare to participate in a lesson.

It is helpful to have several activity verses ready to use whenever you see a need to change the pace of a lesson or include the children in an activity.

Ideas for activity verses and songs are included in the Children’s Songbook, some Primary lesson manuals, and some issues of the Friend. You can create your own activity verses by adding simple actions to poems and songs.

Example of an Activity Verse

The following activity verse could be used to teach children to be thankful for God’s creations. It is taken from the Primary song “The World Is So Big” (Children’s Songbook, 235).

The world is so big and, oh, so round,

[form a large circle with arms]

And in it God’s creations are found;

Stars shining brightly through all the night,

[straighten and wiggle fingers]

Sun in the day so warm and so bright.

[form a large circle with arms]

The world is so big and, oh, so round.

God loves us all; our blessings abound.

[grasp arms and hug self]

How to Teach an Activity Verse

Before teaching an activity verse, memorize the words and movements yourself. To teach an activity verse:

  1. 1.
    Say the words and show the actions to the children. Go slowly, and exaggerate the actions. This will help the children understand the words and actions.
  2. 2.
    Invite the children to do the activity verse with you.
  3. 3.
    If the children enjoy the activity verse, repeat it. If they become restless, shorten it. If the activity verse is long, you may want to help the children do the actions while you say the words by yourself.

You may occasionally want to use pictures to help present activity verses. Pictures from the Gospel Art Picture Kit, Church-produced lesson manuals, and Church magazines may be helpful. You may want to consider using a Primary Visual Aids Cutouts set (available through the Church Materials Catalog).

Some children may not participate in the activity verse but will enjoy watching others do the actions. They will join in when they are ready.

Application Techniques

As a gospel teacher, one of your most important goals should be to help others apply gospel principles in everyday situations. Application techniques can help learners discover the blessings that come when we live the gospel.

Below are some methods that can help those you teach live the principles you have taught. These and many other methods are described in this section of the book.

  • Discuss situations similar to those the learners might experience. Use role plays, panel discussions, buzz sessions, games, work sheets, case studies, or brainstorming to discuss how to make correct choices in those situations.

  • Prepare specific application questions to discuss with the class.

  • Share a personal experience about how living a gospel principle has blessed your life. Invite those you teach to briefly share their own experiences.

  • Encourage those you teach to set one or more goals that can help them live the principle you have taught. For example, in a lesson about prayer, you might encourage them to set a goal that will help them pray in a more meaningful way. You might ask them to share their feelings the next week.

  • Share scripture passages that testify of the principle. Have those you teach share their favorite scriptures or scripture stories.

  • Ask the learners to think of a song that helps them remember the principle. Suggest songs they might use.

  • Encourage those you teach to share the message of the lesson with their families. For example, they might share an activity, song, work sheet, or scripture used in class. Have them discuss with their families how they can apply the principle.

  • Have those you teach write a scripture, quotation, poem, or part of a song on a piece of paper that they can take home and have as a reminder of the lesson.

  • Have children draw a picture of themselves living the principle.

  • Help them memorize an article of faith that relates to the principle. With children, relate the principle to one of the items in “My Gospel Standards,” on the back of the My Achievement Days booklet.

  • A month in advance, assign a few learners to study a specific lesson and apply it in their lives. When you teach the lesson, have the assigned persons report on their experiences.

Attention Activities (Attention Getters)

Attention activities can be used to create interest and to help learners focus their attention on the subject of the lesson. They should be brief and lead directly into the lesson. They are most often used at the beginning of lessons, but they can also be used to capture learners’ attention during lessons and to make a transition from one part of a lesson to another. Many lessons in Church-produced lesson manuals include suggestions for attention activities.

For suggestions on using and developing attention activities, see “Beginning the Lesson,” page 93, and “Helping Learners Be Attentive,” pages 71–72.

Audiovisual Materials (Videocassettes and Audio Recordings)

You may occasionally use Church-produced videocassettes and audio recordings to help teach gospel principles. Some materials are designed to be used with specific lessons in specific courses of study. Others may be used with a variety of lessons. Refer to the current Church Materials Catalog for a list of available Church-produced audiovisual materials.

In Church settings it is often against copyright laws to use audiovisual materials that are not owned by the Church. For guidelines on copyright laws, see Church Handbook of Instructions, Book 2: Priesthood and Auxiliary Leaders, pages 322–23.

How to Use Audiovisual Materials

  1. 1.
    Watch or listen to the presentation before using it in class. Make sure that it reinforces or supports the lesson.
  2. 2.
    Prepare the presentation so that it will begin in the right place when you need it in the lesson. Generally, you should use only short segments; audiovisual presentations should not consume the entire lesson time.
  3. 3.
    Set up the equipment before class starts. Ensure that it works properly. Also ensure that all learners will be able to hear the presentation and see it from their seats.

When you use the presentation as part of the lesson, ensure that it is a teaching tool rather than entertainment. For example, you could encourage learners to look for specific principles or situations during a video presentation. Or you could have them summarize the message of an audio recording after it is over.

Kamis, 06 Juni 2013


Definition of Blended Learning
Blended learning is a term derived from the English language, which consists of two syllables, and blended learning. Blended a mix, a good combination. While learning is learning.
Meanwhile, according to Harding, Kaczynski and Wood, 2005, Blended learning is a learning approach that integrates traditional face-to-face learning and distance learning using online learning resources and a variety of communication options that can be used by teachers and students Implementation of this approach allows the use of online learning resources, primarily web-based, with a face-to-face without leaving activities. With the implementation of blended learning, the learning is more meaningful because of the diversity of learning resources that may be obtained.
So blended learning can be defined as a learning process that utilizes a variety of approaches. The approach taken can utilize a variety of media and technology. In simple terms it can be said that blended learning is learning that combines face-to-face (conventional learning, where the learners and learners interact with each other directly, each of which can exchange information about the ingredients teach), self-learning (learning with a variety of modules that been provided) as well as self-learning online.
Implementation of blended learning does not just happen. But, there must be consideration of the characteristics of the learning objectives we want to achieve, relevant learning activities as well as pick and choose which ones are relevant to the activities of conventional and activities are relevant to online learning

Characteristics of Blended Learning
The characteristics of blended learning, namely:
Learning that incorporates a variety of means of delivery, models of teaching, learning styles, as well as a variety of diverse technology-based media.
As a combination of direct instruction (face to face), self-learning and self-learning via online.
Learning is supported by an effective combination of the delivery, teaching and learning styles.
Teachers and parents study participants had an equally important role, the teacher as a facilitator, and parents as advocates.

When necessary Blended Learning
Blended Learning is required at the time of long-distance teaching methods are not so necessary. Blended learning teaching process is needed on the learners need additional lessons.
Blended learning is needed at the time:
Teaching and learning process not only face to face, but it adds to the learning time by utilizing virtual world technology.
Simplify and speed up the non-stop communication between teachers and students.
Students and teachers can be positioned as a learning party.
Helps accelerate the process of teaching.
The development of rapid information technology today, particularly the development of Internet technology has contributed to the development of the concept of distance learning. Technological characteristics of the Internet that is always accessible anytime, anywhere, multiuser and offers all the conveniences has made the internet a medium that is appropriate for further development of distance education. It's why for now learning in blended learning systems are still very well be applied in Indonesia can be controlled so that more traditional as well.

Blended Learning objectives
Helping learners to develop better in the learning process, according to the learning styles and preferences in learning.
Provide a realistic practical opportunities for teachers and learners to study independently, useful, and continues to grow.
Increased scheduling flexibility for learners, by combining the best aspects of face-to-face and online instruction. Face-to-face class can be used to engage students in an interactive experience. While giving out the online classroom portion online learners while providing students with rich multimedia content knowledge at any time, and anywhere as long as learners have internet access,

Shortage of blended learning:
Media are required very diverse, making it difficult to apply if the infrastructure does not support.
Not prevalence of student-owned facilities, such as computer and internet access. Whereas in blended learning required adequate internet access, if inadequate tissue will make it difficult to follow the participants in their own learning via online.
Lack of public knowledge of the use of technology
Not prevalence of student-owned facilities, such as computer and internet access

Blended learning is a learning process that utilizes a variety of approaches. The approach taken can utilize a variety of media and technology. Learning takes place in the conventional (face to face), independent, and self via online.
Offline self study materials prepared in digital form, such as in the form of CD, MP3, DVD, etc.. While the online self study materials prepared in the form specified via the official website, as http://www.courses.web-bali.net developed by the department of Curriculum and Educational Technology State University of Jakarta.

3.2 Advice
Should the learners to implement blended learning can ensure that all participants have adequate facilities and infrastructure, resulting in a self-directed learning via online not many obstacles due to the factor of facilities and infrastructures are inadequate.
Should learners have prepared the best solution to overcome the problems that may arise.
The division of the learning material should be allocated properly, taking into account the content of teaching materials, as well as learning objectives, which should be discussed face to face, or can be studied independently.
learners should also be prepared to answer and face-organized and self-regulated learning early. In order for participants to be clear about the schedule.

Rabu, 05 Juni 2013

Sustained Silent Reading ( SSR )
Definition of sustained silent reading (ssr)
A form of school-based recreational reading, or free voluntary reading.
Goals and Benefits of SSR
Light reading can be a powerful conduit to more difficult reading
“(Cho and Krashen, 1994)”
Increase student reading proficiency
Build a belief in self as a better reader
Improve student motivation to read
Make reading for pleasure acceptable (secondary level)
Increase outside (home) reading for pleasure
Increase the range of resources for pleasure reading
Develop lifelong love of reading
Facilitate overall language development
8 Factors for SSR Success
The SSR Handbook by “Janice L. Pilgreen”
Access to books, Book Appeal, Conducive, environment, Encouragement to Read, Non-accountability, Distributed time to read, Staff training.
Follow-up activities
1. Access to Books
Trade books, magazines, comics, newspapers etc.
Materials are provided directly to students
Develop classroom libraries ( grants, PTA, garage sales, book clubs, book fairs )
Rotate materials
Book Exchanges/Trades
Regularly scheduled trips to libraries (school & community)
Interlibrary loans
Students not required to bring something from home to read (MAKE IT EASY FOR THEM!)
2. Book Appeal
Offer materials that are interesting
Use an Interest Inventory with students
Use teen book lists
Variety of genres
Include read-along books and tapes
Self-selection is crucial in order to develop a sense of ownership and purpose
Offer a range of readability levels
Display materials attractively
When asked, help a student find a good book match
3. Conducive Environment
Provide a quiet, uninterrupted environment
Seating that is not cramped
Homey furnishings may add to the appeal but are not required.
Posters, pictures
Rugs, pillows, lighting, comfort seating, plants
Play soft music (only if accepted by everyone)
After silent reading students may be given time to share their reading informally with friends
4. Encouragement to Read
Share the research findings with students—it’s good news
Adult modeling of reading
Share personal habits of reading
Move from desk and sit with students as you read
Share books that you are reading
Need all staff support to encourage students to engage in free reading.
Special time with teacher after SSR to discuss the materials read
Teacher read-aloud after SSR followed by sharing and discussion
SSR followed by sharing “good parts” with friends
Parent involvement
Input in development of the SSR program
Suggested ideas to support at-home reading
5. Staff Training
Develop roles as active facilitators in helping students connect with books
Present current literature on benefits of SSR
Establish practical guidelines
Teach strategies for linking students with books
Highlight importance of all adults “buying into” concept of free reading
Provide support and opportunity to work together to build the program
6. Non-Accountabilty
Provide a non-evaluative atmosphere
No requirements related to productive tasks or follow-up language work
Students allowed to stop reading a book if they find it uninteresting and encouraged to pick up another one.
Emphasis is on the pleasure of reading
7. Follow-up Activities
Goal is to sustain student excitement about books they are reading in a non-evaluative setting
Peer discussions, literacy circles,
Book sharing, peer read-alouds
Might need to develop a waiting list
Sell book choices to others
News anchor
Design book covers
Use art, music, science, role - playing
8. Distributed Time to Read
Give between 15 –30 minutes of reading time
Minimum of twice a week
Goal is for free reading to become a habit
Effects of SSR
as seen in the Library
Greater circulation
Fewer over-dues
Students requesting help finding another good book
Running out of books for certain students
More interlibrary loans
Greater use of community library-students signing up for library cards.